The weather here is fantastic! Sunshine and temps in the low 70's. What a great day to be outdoors.
I got home last evening, just in time to watch the stars emerge as the moon slid behind the shadow of the earth. A truly magnificent display.
My trip to the midwest was super. Fall colors were outstanding, especially in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. On Ocracoke only the poison ivy turning yellow & red lets us know it's fall.
I had accompanied Ocracoke's Molasses Creek Band to the first Decatur, Indiana, storytelling festival. Along with Barbara McBride-Smith & David Novak, nationally acclaimed storytellers, and Lou Ann Homan, outstanding storyteller & show organizer, I shared island stories and conducted a workshop on collecting community and family stories. We all had a wonderful time. Now it's time to enjoy the last few weeks of a glorious island fall.
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