I'm sure there must be a few folks who read this blog who don't subscribe to our Village Craftsmen monthly newsletter. I just published a biography of my father, Lawton Howard (1911-2002). You can read it by going to our Ocracoke Newsletter, and then clicking on the shell. Once on our site you can click on "Home" at any time to go to our main page.
The story touched a lot of people. Here are a few comments I've received so far from readers:
"What an inspiring story about your father! Thankfully you put pen to paper to record such an interesting life!"
"Mr. Howard, I SO enjoy your newsletters! This one was especially touching! I had the honor of meeting your dear father on one of my mother/daughter trips to Ocracoke w/my daughter 2 or 3 years before he died. What a delight he was! I know you miss him dearly, but what a lovely tribute you've written about him! Thank you for the insightful Ocracoke history I get to enjoy each month; it helps me get over "island homesickness" tlll I can once again make my sojourn to your magical piece of the world!"
"I loved the story this month about your father (especially the part about his hearing aid!!)."
"Thank you for this most interesting and well - written biographical account of Lawton Howard! I read it with myriads of reflections on my Portsmouth and Ocracoke days. His dedication to home, genuineness, sense of humor, and love of life are the qualities that stand out most in my memories of outer banks days."
"I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the article about your father. I met him around 1988 on the porch of the Community Store and practically every trip till his death I talked to him at the store, and some years while my daughter lived on the island (that would be 8 or 9 times a year). He never forgot that I was a Mayor from a 2 stoplight town near Charlotte.Although I was an outsider he always was ready to talk and fuel my curiosity about Ocracoke and its people!"
Thanks to everyone who wrote to tell me how much they enjoyed this newsletter.
That is, indeed, a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!