Several folks have asked me about the rehabilitaion of my grandparents' home. As you may remember, Jim O'Brien and his crew have finished all of the exterior and structural work. Before the holidays I began putting all new wiring in the house. Since I returned home earlier this month I have spent many hours crawling under the house pulling wires. The weather has been perfect, with temperatures in the 60's & 70's.
I have just a few more wiring details to complete, and the house will be ready for an attack on the interior. Already, Jim's crew has put down a new subfloor upstairs, and he told me today that carpenters may be back as early as this week (probably in the evenings) to begin working inside.
Sometime after I catch up on other details I'll update the web pages detailing the house project. In the meanwhile, I'm refurbishing antique light fixtures, ejoying the front porch swing, and looking forward to moving into the house sometime before the summer season.
Sitting out on the pizer would be a bit chilly this time of year where I live...although I always enjoy hearing you talk about it!