Thursday, October 05, 2006

Loaves and Fishes......No..No..Just Fishes

I am not a fisherman or fisherwoman for that matter but I love boats and water and beaches and water and consequently I frequent fishing "places". My husband and some of his friends, our youngest son Travis and Dale are enthusiastic fishermen. Our oldest son Matt is a commercial fisherman for heavens sake! It is a monetarily precarious vocation as I am often reminded by my daughter-in-law and a disappointing avocation much of the time as I can attest to by the male grumblings of my husband. But this week...... this week..... the Fish Gods have smiled on Ocracoke! Customers in the shop are telling tales of incredible surf fishing. Frank and Al went out in Als' boat yesterday morning and caught their quota of speckled trout in less than three hours along with a mess of other fish. You couldn't beat the smile off of Franks face with a stick ( at least I couldn't.... and I tried). Charlie O'Neal from O'Neals Dockside, between puffs, exclaimed that it was like the "old days". Matt and Hardy fished for twelve long hard hours. It was a good day. They all slept well last night.

You can read our latest newsletter here. It's the story of the Community Store and other general stores on the island


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