A couple of days ago a colorful character poked his head through the doorway, gave me a sinister look, and challenged me to a duel. Then he laughed heartily and gave me a bear hug. It was Bones the Pirate.
Bones lived on the island several years ago. Some of our readers will remember him. Sporting a thick beard, skull and crossbone earrings, a long ponytail, and a pirate costume, he sold t-shirts and entertained young and old alike at the Community Store Square.
I understand that this time around Bones the Pirate will be hanging out at Teach's Hole Pirate Shop on Highway 12. Look for him the next time you pass by that way. (Maybe he'll let me take his picture, and I'll post it on the Journal one of these days.)
This month's newsletter discusses the planned replacement of the seven bridges on Ocracoke Island in early 2008, and explains some of the issues we will face. You can read it here.
Tell Bones that Scott & Minda will be on the island starting 7/14. Not sure where they are staying.