On this date in 1899 Ocracoke islanders experienced one of the worst tropical storms on record. Winds reportedly reached 120 mph, and flood tide washed through the village and into homes and businesses. Boats were scattered and significant damage resulted. However no lives were lost.
Some years later one islander was heard asking, "Now, that old August storm.....it struck in September didn't it?"
In other news:
A reader left a comment a couple of days ago -- Roy Parsons' PO Box number is 1. (Roy Parsons, PO Box 1, Ocracoke, NC 27960.) I haven't seen him the last few days, but I don't think his health is good. I know he would appreciate cards from some of his Opry fans. Elizabeth is planning a simple birthday gathering tomorrow at 7:30. I understand that friends are invited to just stop by, visit a bit, and have cake and ice cream.
Another reader asked for photos of our new "garden." Well, frankly, it's just a few plants in the front yard, and I've had a time keeping everything watered. It has been so dry this summer, and one of the rose bushes is struggling. And the grass needs to be cut! So I think I'll wait until things slow down a bit, the weather cools off, we get some rain, and the yard starts looking a little better. In the meanwhile, if you're walking down Lawton Lane glance over the fence and you'll see the beginnings of some color and greenery. Once Lou Ann is here year around it will look more like a proper garden. I know it will!
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of the Black Squall, a brig loaded with circus animals that wrecked on Ocracoke in April of 1861. You can read it here.
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