Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hanna (5)

Our power has been off for about an hour and a half. It just came back on. It is still windy out there -- maybe 30 mph with gusts of 35 - 40. But there is no tide in the village. I am guessing that Hanna will soon be past us. I understand that all ferry service to Ocracoke was suspended. I expect service across Hatteras Inlet to begin again later today. Call this number for the latest information on all ferry routes: 1-800-BY-FERRY.

Emergency Management never called for an evacuation of Ocracoke, although the National Park was evacuated, and beach access ramps are closed. At this time a few folks are out and about, walking or biking or driving, and I haven't seen or heard about any damage. Unless something noteworthy happens, I probably won't be posting again until tomorrow.

Out thanks to all of our readers who keep us in your thoughts during storms and hurricanes.

Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of the wreck of the Victoria S, and Ocracoke's first automobile accident. You can read it here.


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    So glad this one wasn't bad for you. My husband said I was following this storm like I live there, and I said "but, honey, this is OCRACOKE!". A lot of people love your home and always wish all of you the best.

  2. Thank God things went well for you. When you say people park their cars on higher ground, where in the heck is higher ground there? Thanks for keeping us up on the goings on there. I'll sleep better tonight knowing all is well.

  3. "Higher ground" can be just a small hill, or a little rise in the yard, or a ramp, or one of the shoulders along the road where the Navy pumped up the dredged sand in WWII. It only has to be a foot or two higher than the flood tide. The goal is to keep salt water away from the engine (and brakes and transmission, if possible). Because this is an island, the tide water generally runs off the other side, and will not back up like flood waters sometimes do along inland rivers. However, flood waters can back up on the mainland and then rush back (as a "tidal wave"), causing much damage. That's what happened in 1944.
