There were plenty of things to do on Ocracoke for New Year’s Eve. There was the dance at the Community Center or even the tally rally for the bird counters. (I hear that is always quite a party with great chili and key lime pie!) However, we decided to follow Molasses Creek to Williamsburg Va.
I have been a Molasses Creek groupie since the first time I heard them several summers ago. In fact, within a span of three weeks, I went to six of their shows! (They were doing two a week in those days.) I just could not get enough of their music.
So, Philip and I packed the car including leftover ham sandwiches and ginger ale and headed towards Williamsburg. The weather was windy and grew progressively colder as I constantly put my hand on the window to check the temperatures. I double checked my winter clothes in the back seat…gloves, hats, scarves, loden green cape. Yes, I definitely know how to pack for cold weather.
It was still daylight with bright sunshine and a gorgeous blue sky when we arrived in Williamsburg. We quickly had dinner and made our way over to the William and MaryCollege campus where First Night was to be held. We bought our buttons and scanned the program. There were over 50 presenters, but we had only eyes for Molasses Creek. We circled their times and then worked our other events around them.
We had to wait in line for their performance and then squeeze through the crowd to find seats. We knew we were going to the front row with center seats, at least we hoped. Alas, we were rewarded with our efforts. It was great fun having Molasses Creek come onto the stage with a roaring crowd. We both looked behind us several times with pride! (We should have worn T-shirts with their name and logo, or just the statement that we personally know them and know them well!)
Their show was just wonderful! When they were finished, there was thunderous applause in the audience. They disappeared back stage to prepare for another show as they had a very busy evening.
We continued on our way to hear the gospel singers, the German polka band where we ate salted pretzels and danced the Chicken Dance. We enjoyed group after group as we studied our map and braved the cold for each new adventure. By 11:30 it was time to go out to the stadium where Molasses Creek was already playing. I can’t imagine how they could play a single note in that cold!Between songs they were jumping up and down. They ended the concert just before midnight as we all counted down to New Years and then the lights went out for the fireworks!We huddled on the bleachers and I was glad that I know how to dress warmly as it was freezing!
We all hung out in Gary and Kitty’s room afterwards as we pooled our snacks and drinks. We told them how wonderful they were and how beautiful Kitty and Marcy looked on stage. (They really did!) We told stories and laughed as we ate all the snacks.
By 3:00 a.m. we made a circle of friendship with our arms around each other, sang Auld Lang Syne and wished each other a Happy New Year. We meandered off into the darkness to our own rooms and slept away the first night of the New Year.
Lou Ann
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter celebrates the majestic live oaks on Ocracoke Island. You can read it here.
To read about Philip's new book, Digging up Uncle Evans, History, Ghost Tales, & Stories from Ocracoke Island, please click here.
What a great recount of your New Years eve and Molasses Creek review. Thanks and have a wonderful year! Sheila