Many visitors to Ocracoke, and even some residents, are unaware of how "recently" many services came to the island. An electric generator was installed on Ocracoke (where Kitty Hawk Kites is located today) in 1938. Dates prior to 1938 are often referred to by fishermen as B.I. (Before Ice), since the generator allowed for, not only electric lights, but also the production of ice, a valued commodity that before that time was brought to the island by boat. In fact, the building that housed the generator was called the Ice Plant.
Later on, Ocracoke was connected to mainland electrical utilities by power lines. Today a cable runs under water at Hatteras Inlet, and, at Oregon Inlet the cable is attached to the underside of the bridge.
In 1990 a new generator was installed on the Tideland EMC property behind the Island Inn. During prolonged power outages, and at times of extremely high usage this generator is employed to compensate for, or augment power from the mainland.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is Lou Ann's story of participating in the 2008 Christmas Bird Count on Portsmouth Island. You can read it here.
To read about Philip's new book, Digging up Uncle Evans, History, Ghost Tales, & Stories from Ocracoke Island, please click here.
What a shocking story! I got a real charge out of it. haha! Actually, thanks for the island trivia. I enjoy anything I can read about the island.