Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ladders & Pickup Trucks

This morning I decided to install a through-the-wall air conditioner in our customer bathroom. I looked all over for my aluminum step ladder, but it was nowhere to be found. I remember loaning it to someone, but now can't remember to whom. So I was on my way to borrow Al's. When I turned the key in my pickup truck I remembered that the battery was dead. It was only a short walk to see Frank, who had just returned from running an errand, and was back to re-open his shop. He was happy to let me use his pickup.

When I brought the truck back and gave Frank the keys he told me (with a sheepish grin) that he had given me the keys to his business along with the truck keys. He had had to crawl through a window to get inside to open up for customers!

If you borrowed my ladder, please bring it back!

In our latest Ocracoke Newsletter I share information about our many local cemeteries, with examples of some of our more interesting epitaphs. You can read it here.

To read about Philip's new book, Digging up Uncle Evans, History, Ghost Tales, & Stories from Ocracoke Island, please click here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Latter Day Saints

    Tis a blessing to have a friend

    tis a blessing ,loyal to the end

    To greet each day with a smile and a nod

    Lend a hand to accomplish an odd job

    For when the day is thru and one reflects

    Be a frayed knot to tie up loose ends
