Every now and again I sit on my front porch and notice that I've never painted my picket fence. My brother assures me that it would be a very bad idea to paint the fence. But it would look so nice white, I tell him. Then he reminds me how time-consuming it is to paint a picket fence...and how much worse it will look when the paint starts to peel.
This morning I volunteered to paint one of the porch rockers at the Preservation Society Museum. I remembered how much I dislike painting...especially slatted objects. After an hour and a half (and paint on my arms, shoes, and T-shirt) I have become firmly convinced (at least for the time being) not to paint my fence.
If I'm sitting on the pizer when you next walk down Lawton Lane, don't hesitate to let me know that the fence looks just fine unpainted.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a history of paved roads on Ocracoke. It may not sound very exciting, but there have been dramatic changes on the island because of the construction of paved roads a half century ago. You can read the newsletter, and see some rare photos here.
To read about Philip's new book, Digging up Uncle Evans, History, Ghost Tales, & Stories from Ocracoke Island, please click here.
Is there a home made concoction Ocracoke islanders use as a mosquito repellent? The thought of being outside this time of year --is one bothered by insects?
ReplyDeleteBiting insects are not a problem for the local islanders. Take it from me, the "suckers" are well fed from the fresh blood of island visitors! I've been coming down long enough that the bugs almost accept me as a local...almost.
ReplyDeleteThe fence looks wonderful, just the way it is!!! Please don' change it! Thanks for a wonderful visit and impromptu playdate with Lachlan, Amy and Dave. The girls loved the water pump, tree house (superbly contstructed), etc. I know of no other way to contact you all other than through here...I have a few great pictures that I would like to pass on to you, maybe on the next visit. All our best, Jack, Celeste, Katie, and Kelli (williamsburg, va.)
ReplyDeleteIs there a house on Ocracoke Island similar to Grey Gardens? Oh yes Grey gardens -- a house in disrepair ? a house restored ? a house where to die for parties are held???
ReplyDeleteGrey Gardens? Not really...but we have houses in disrepair, houses restored, and houses with great parties.
ReplyDeleteThe best antidote to mosquitoes is to simply live on Ocracoke for about a year. They still bite, but you don't get a reaction. I guess you get immune to the irritant. Actually, we haven't had many mosquitoes at all yet this year. And...our mosquito control program is pretty effective when they get bad.