Many of our readers know that the Ocracoke Preservation Society recently used its gift from the Geraldine Beveridge Estate to purchase the Emma and Simon O'Neal House on Lighthouse Road.
This is a house that was built about 100 years ago and is of great historic value in Ocracoke Village. Trudy Clark, chair of OPS's Historic Preservation Committee reports that they have had about a half dozen personal inquiries and that "the brochures are flying off the fence out front."
They are looking for that buyer who will restore the home to historic specifications (and thus enjoy the benefit of generous tax credits). For more information about all of this, you can visit
This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is about "Ocracats" and was written by Pat Garber. You can read it here:
unrelated question, but what happened to Dallie, I have not heard her mentioned in a long time. Very nice person.
Thank you for asking about Dallie. She lives on the island, but has reduced her hours at Village Craftsmen in order to spend more time with her mother who lives in Virginia. You may still see her now and then at Village Craftsmen, or around the village. In the meanwhile I'm sure she appreciates knowing that folks are asking about her.