"With all those elements of elegant living [beaches with romantic relics of old shipwrecks, ...eighty varieties of tropical, fresh and salt-water fish...fifteen kinds of brant, duck and geese...a few herds of wild ponies and steers...semi-tropical sunshine and weather as fine as Bermuda’s...500 friendly, geared-down North Carolinians...one phone, no law and no worries], it’s no wonder Ocracokans leave their island only on rare occasions. 'Now take my cousin,' said one old fishing guide. 'One day he went to Rodanthe – that’s fifty miles up the beach – to marry a gal, but she was out. So he married her sister. He waren’t goin’ all that way fer nothin’.'"
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of Ocracoke native Major General Ira Thomas Wyche. You can read the complete story here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news092110.htm.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ford Times, 1950
I recently came across an article in the vintage magazine "Ford Times" from October, 1950, entitled simply "Ocraocke." I thought our readers would enjoy the following paragraph:
it was the best of times it was the worst of times but how should i know the story is not here!!
ReplyDeleteSomehow the text for this post was deleted. I will reproduce it for my post for October 22, 2010.