Tuesday was the official release date for Tales from a Free-Range Childhood, the latest book by island resident Donald Davis. Donald's book has been selected as a 2011 "Spring Okra Pick" from Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance in the nonfiction category. The Okra Picks are titles that SIBA chooses each season which it considers ”great southern books, fresh off the vine."
Donald Davis has been a nationally renowned storyteller for more than 20 years. He performs at festivals, conventions, schools, and other gatherings throughout the nation, and we always feel honored when he adds his wit, wisdom, and humor to events on Ocracoke. ForeWord Reviews has called Tales from a Free-Range Childhood "a seamless transition from oration to the written word."
The first of many book signings will be held right here on Ocracoke Island, April 1, 7 pm, at Books to be Red on School Road. Other book signings are listed here: http://www.blairpub.com/events.html#davis.
You can read more about Donald's book here: http://www.blairpub.com/alltitles/talesfreerangechildhoodhardcover.html
For more information about Donald Davis' storytelling, programs, other books & CDs, and workshops, click here: http://www.ddavisstoryteller.com/
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of a 1911 wedding on Portsmouth Island. You can read it here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news022111.htm.
I believe that this book was recently reviewed in Our State magazine as wel