Ocracoke is gearing up for the 12th annual OcraFolk Festival which begins this evening at 6 o'clock with a pot luck dinner on the grounds at Deepwater Pottery on School Road. The live auction follows dinner, with music afterwards.
Saturday will be filled with music, storytelling, and kid's programs on the Live Oak Stage, the Howard Street Stage, and Deepwater Theater. Artists and Crafters will have their wares for sale on Howard Street and School Road. Food will also be available.
More music is scheduled Saturday night at the Community Square...along with the traditional Ocracoke Island square dance.
Sunday will bring us a morning Gospel Sing, followed later in the day with yet more music...and an all-star jam session at the Live Oak Stage.
If you are on the island, be sure to take advantage of this fun-filled, exciting, and creative weekend.
In other news, the recent Firemen's Ball silent auction brought in $3,285.00. The live auction netted $19,380.00, for a total of $22,665.00 (last year's total was $22,174). The final figure for the event is not yet available, but is estimated at over $60,000. Many thanks to all who participated, contributed, and attended this great fundraiser!
If you could not attend the Firemen's Ball, and would like to contribute, donations can be mailed to OFPA (Ocracoke Fire Protection Association), P. O. Box 332, Ocracoke, NC 27960.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the autobiography of Frank Treat Fulcher. You can read it here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news.htm.
Must be the reason for so many boats docked in the harbor. I can't even count all of the lovely and handsome sailing vessels. Check out Ocracoke Harbor Inn (Silver Lake web-cam).