More than 30 students from several different states will be arriving on Ocracoke later today to register for the 5th annual OcraFolk School. The School is a week long immersion in island life, handcrafts, group solidarity, and shared meals.
This year five classes are being offered -- English Paper Piecing (a form of lap quilting), Island Cooking, Ocracoke Music, Island Photography, and Ocracoke Sampler (history, culture, and seafaring traditions of Ocracoke Island).
You can read more here:
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is an article written by my Uncle Marvin Howard in 1954. You can read it here:
Weather should be awesome for your OcraFolk classes. Envious of the 30 "students". Maybe I'll be able to enjoy a class one year. It's on my "bucket list".... :)