For 29 years anglers have been descending on Ocracoke in May for the annual Ocracoke Island Surf Fishing Tournament. The two-day competition began yesterday for the 2012 catch and release event. This year 70 teams with more than 400 fishermen & fisherwomen will be on the beach from 8 - 11 a.m. and 1:30 - 4 p.m.
The event concludes this evening with a barbecue dinner under the tent at the Community Center, starting at 5:30. The community is invited to attend.
For more information click here:
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of Project Nutmeg, and how Ocracoke almost became a site for testing nuclear weapons. You can read it here:
At least for now the fisherpeople can access the beach. If Audubon, Defenders of WIldlife and other such groups have their way we'll be locked out. Enjoy the tournament while you can. The environmentalists are coming!