One of the many benefits of living on Ocracoke Island is the opportunity for water-related adventures. Last Saturday Capt. Rob invited me to join him and Bill on a four day cruise aboard his schooner, Windfall II.
We left the dock in Silver Lake Harbor Sunday morning and sailed across the Sound. We arrived at North Creek before nightfall, and anchored in a protected cove. The next morning we sailed to Washington, NC where we visited good friends Frank & Patty. They treated us like dignitaries, with cocktails, a scrumptious dinner of ribs and Cole slaw...and hot showers.
Early the next day we made our way to Juniper Bay, a quiet, secluded body of water near Swan Quarter. The sunset was spectacular.
We were back home on Ocracoke in the early afternoon yesterday, after a pleasant sail across Pamlico Sound. For four days we had fair winds, moderate seas, and good weather. We even spotted a pod of dolphins when we got close to home, but I couldn't capture them with my camera.
Island living suits me just fine.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a video of Philip Howard telling the story of the 1861 wreck of the Black Squall. You can watch it here:
Sounds like you had a great time!