Friday, June 07, 2013

Ocracoke Festival

Today kicks off the 2013 OcraFolk Festival, a fun-filled, lively weekend extravaganza of music, storytelling, dance, art, and crafts.

The Festival begins at 4 o'clock this afternoon with storytelling in Deepwater Theater, followed by a catered dinner at the Live Oak Stage. Dessert and art auction begin at 7 pm at Berkley Manor.

The weather forecast, of course, calls for wind and rain today thanks to tropical storm Andrea, but it looks like conditions will improve tomorrow.

On Saturday, stellar musicians and storytellers will be entertaining crowds at the Live Oak Stage, the Howard Street Stage, and other venues throughout the day. A traditional Ocracoke Island square dance will be held Saturday evening, followed by more outstanding music.

Sunday's events include an old-time Gospel Sing and more music, including an all-star jam finale.

There have been several changes this year, so be sure to take a look at the schedule here:

This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is a tribute to a wonderful man who did much for Ocracoke Island, Marvin Wyche Howard (1897-1969). You can read it here:


  1. Andrea doesn't stand a chance of dampening the spirit and fun of Ocracokers. Looks like another great event!

  2. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Have a great time everyone! Hey Bill, Andrea did cancel my flight and then the storm stopped the ferries so I am still in Indiana but am celebrating with Ocracoke just the same.
