If you are on the island, come on out and join Ocracoke Alive for an evening of Ocracoke squaredancing, desserts, and celebration as this island non-profit wraps up the year and
thanks all of the folks who helped make 2013 such a success.
When: Saturday, November 30, 7:30 PM
Where: Ocracoke Community Center
On Friday evening Molasses Creek will present a concert at Deepwater Theater on School Road at 8:00 PM.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a 1921 letter written by a former
slave, Harrison Williams, to Ocracoke native, Martha Ann Howard Wahab.
You can read it here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news112113.htm.
That's a brilliant poster. Love it--especially the shoes. They add the perfect touch. Kudos to the artist. (Though news of this event is just one more reason for feeling the slight nag of a virtual "Kick me" in the middle of my back--for making the no-go Ocracoke choice this week. Oh well. All the more reason to look forward to next year--as always!)
Happy Thanksgiving!