For years I have wanted a Willys station wagon. It is unlikely that I will ever get one. Recently, as I was looking through vintage Ocracoke Island photos I realized how many of these trucks are in the old pictures. Of course, they were the perfect vehicle for managing the island's sandy lanes.
This is the old store, Big Ike's Store. It stood where Captain's Landing is today. It was also the Post Office. The truck belonged to Carlton Kelly who lived in the large house with the widow's walk that backs up to Howard Street.
If I can't own one of these vehicles, at least I can relive childhood memories every time I look at these old pictures.
Out latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a reprint of a 1948 article about the
Mail Boat Aleta, "Boat Hauls Mail, More." You can read it here:
I love the old Jeeps that you see in old pictures from Ocracoke and Hatteras. I always wanted one as a kid, but like many old trucks of that era, they were used up or rotted out. I found that the 4-door Jeep Wrangler Unlimited makes a good modern alternative.