On Wednesday, December 10, 2014, I wrote about Dr. Morgan. Since then I've found two newspaper reports about him.
From the (Raleigh, NC) News and Observer, Fri., Oct. 16, 1903:
"Dr. Taylor is Safe -- After a Rough Passage He Reached Ocracoke All Right (Special to News and Observer)
Washington, N.C., Oct. 15 -- A message from Belhaven declares that Dr. Joshua Tayloe is safe. The schooner-yacht Grechtin [sic] on which he left here for Ocracoke reached her destination without serious mishap. Dr. Tayloe had been summoned to the bedside of Dr. A. T. Morgan, of New York, who was critically ill at Ocracoke. At the mouth of the Pungo river a storm was encountered, but the little vessel weathered it magnificently and Captain Toler, an experienced navigator, made good his word by landing Dr. Tayloe safe and sound on Ocracoke.
"Dr. Morgan, however, though the object of unremitting care, passed away, leaving among the people an enduring regret. He came to Ocracoke a year ago seeking health, and endeared himself to the community by giving freely of his professional services to rich and poor alike."
From the Washington (NC) Progress, Thu., Oct. 22, 1903:
"At a regular meeting of Ocracoke Lodge No. 194, I.O.O.F., held at their Hall on this the 12th day of October 1903, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted; to wit:
"Whereas, the sad intelligence has reached this Lodge of the death of Dr. A. T. Morgan, for sometime past a resident of Ocracoke, who by his numerous acts of kindness in ministering to our people in their hours of sickness, both day and night, giving freely of his professional services and counsel with a liberality born of a noble man with a kind and tender heart, therefore, be it resolved:
"That in the death of Dr. Morgan, Ocracoke Lodge No. 194, I.O.O.F. has lost a well wisher and the people of the entire island of Ocracoke a kind and sympathetic friend whose death has brought a pang of deepest sorrow to the hearts of all, and be it further resolved,
"That as a mark of our respect and esteem these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Lodge and a copy of the same transmitted to the father of our beloved friend and published in the Raleigh News and Observer and Washington Progress.
"G. P. Hassel, M. L. Piland, T. F. Smith, Com.
"Attest: W. E. Howard, Secretary"
This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is the seldom told story of the 1837
murder of Willis Williams by Jacob Gaskill. You can read it here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news112114.htm.
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