Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Notices

Ocracoke islanders do not have home mail delivery, so we make regular trips to the Post Office. The bulletin board in the lobby always includes notices of items for sale, addresses of neighbors in the hospital, public announcements, and so forth. The other day I noticed these two cards, a consequence of Hurricane Matthew. Just another reminder of where we live.

In case you are having trouble reading the notices, this is what they say:

"Boardwalk/Dock in marsh by my house. If you claim it or want it call Pat."

"Floated Away on Oyster Creek    2 - Cedar Adirondack Rockers   1- 2' X 4' X 1' high exterior wood cocktail table  Found - 3 Large Planter Pots  Please call:"

Our current Ocracoke Newsletter is a 1938 article about Capt. Gary Bragg, waterfowl hunting, and wooden decoy carving. You can read it here: ht:tp://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news112116.htm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you! I made the correction. My granddaughter would be appalled that I made that mistake.

    2. Good for your granddaughter.

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Is it not a practice to secure outside items for safe keeping during a hurricane? The thought "oh it will be alright." should be replaced with the thought could this become a flying missile and break someone's window or dent someone's car? The answer should be it could, better safe then sorry and then do something about it. Everyone wins then!

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I love the comments people post here. I think regardless of the post someone always manages to post a rather harsh sounding comment. Oh well, Philip, you have learned to take everything in stride. Thank you for your wonderful blog. A real resource to the rest of us that can't live there in that little piece of paradise! Thank you!

    1. Anonymous 3:13, Thank you! And from now on I am planning to bring all of my boardwalks and docks inside at the first hint of a hurricane. :-)

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I suppose large pots and Adirondack rockers were on the dock, my bad.

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    "...the first hint of a hurricane." Hah! That tickled me funny bone. I concur w-3:13, Philip--as always. :-)
