"On the Atlantic coast bordering on North Carolina and which constitutes her Eastern boundary and immediately facing the Ocean, is one of the most beautiful Islands of this hemisphere. The earliest [sic] name we find for it is Ocracoke."
So enthuses an 1890 advertisement for the old Ponder Hotel (1885-1900).
The advertisement continues with, "It has always been noted for its health and salubrious climate which is not surpassed by any Ocean resort, and has no equal, inasmuch as the breeze from the ocean is salt and if perchance the wind should come from the land, it must first be wafted from the bosom of Pamlico Sound, a salt water sheet, whose expanse is only commensurate with its life giving properties."
Who wouldn't be enticed to take the steamboat to Ocracoke Island!?
It is unfortunate that the hotel burned to the ground in 1900.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of the Ocracoke Water Tank Caper. This is the link: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news032117.htm.
I don't care if it burned to the ground, sign me up! How soon can I get there. (I was just there last week but I am ready to go back!)...