Several years ago I published this paragraph:
"After incredible labor we succeeded, at length, in getting the long-boat over the side without material accident, and into this we crowded the whole of the crew and most of the passengers. This party made off immediately, and, after undergoing much suffering, finally arrived, in safety, at Ocracoke Inlet, on the third day after the wreck."
I am wondering if any of our readers can identify the source of this passage (without simply copying the text, and doing an internet search!!). Hint: it is fiction, and was written by a famous author in 1844.
I will publish the answer tomorrow.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of the Aleta, Ocracoke's
mailboat from 1944-1952, compliments of the Core Sound Museum. Click on
the following link for photos, text, and audio recordings about this
iconic vessel:
Do not put me in any Box of any shape square or Oblong, as I ask never more, stipulate one would copy and paste, but seek the clues to follow up, year and location to query the weary reference clerk Anna Bell, she ask of the apple and independently seek to take a peek as the armadillo with picadillos told a tale of ( rhymes with ) woe. I do not know how to copy and paste but I did use the internet to build on the clues you gave. Who has a personal library of bookcases filled with books of all kinds of subjects? These days they google things - well I did --1844 authors and found the answer which I have crypticly referenced, Perhaps I should get my dictionary. Independantly, I am a nervous Wreck. HA.