Some of our readers may remember the red gypsy wagon that was parked beside the Village Craftsmen for a number of years. I built it in the mid-1980s on the chassis of a Ford pickup truck. About five years ago it had deteriorated so much that I had it dismantled.
About twenty years ago three "hippy" college students (a young man and two young ladies) knocked on the front door of the Village Craftsmen, and shyly asked if they could pitch their tent in our yard for one night. I offered them the gypsy wagon. They were delighted with the accommodations, and invited me to share their dinner of local fish and fresh vegetables, so we spent an enjoyable evening together.
During the course of our conversation one of the young ladies shared this wisdom from her grandfather: "Remember to always live your life so you have stories to tell your grandchildren," she admonished. After a brief pause she added, "And always live your life so you live long enough to have grandchildren!"
I hope those three college kids who spent one night in a gypsy wagon on Ocracoke Island will share their stories with their grandchildren.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a history of Village Craftsmen (1970 - the Present). You can read the Newsletter here:
Hmm you expect hippies to remember one night in a gypsy wagon? The key word is hippie. Those pictured appear rather clean cut. Was not a story published about the first Airhub concept. If you have documentation I think you can sue the Airhub people of stealing your intellectual property your inkling business concept and this provenance can be worth something-- oh yeah a story to tell the grandchildren about a million dollar idea that was not fleshed out. Live and learn. It is call airhub right? I have a bad headache and have trouble thinking right now other than the fact you were on to a great idea funky accommodations in unusual places. Did this hippies mention something like yourtube or the headbook??