Edward Farrow (1839 - 1878) was the son of Wilson Tilmon Farrow, Sr. (1798-1880), Ocracoke resident and member of the state legislature. Ed Farrow married Lucretia Credle Wahab (1848 - 1930). Their home was located where Berkley Manor is today. Sam Jones, owner of Berkley Machine Works in Norfolk, Virginia, bought the house more than a half century ago, and built the newer part around the old house. Edward Farrow is buried in the front yard.
Edward Farrow's epitaph reads simply, "Farewell, Ed."
Among Ed and Lucretia Farrow’s children, one son married and moved to Pennsylvania, a daughter married Ocracoke’s Methodist preacher, Rev. West, and moved to Norfolk, Virginia, and another daughter married a lawyer from New Bern, North Carolina. After Ed Farrow died his widow moved to mainland Hyde County where she met a traveling salesman, Michael Lawrence Piland (1861-1920). They moved to Ocracoke where Mr. Piland ran a store and ice cream parlor, served as choir master in the Methodist Church, founded Ocracoke's Odd Fellow's Lodge, and was appointed post master. (Read more about Michael Lawrence Piland here: https://www.villagecraftsmen.com/island-inn-lodge-no-194-independent-order-odd-fellows/.)
Lucretia Credle Wahab Farrow Piland moved to Washington, North Carolina, where she is buried.
This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is a chapter from Philip Howard's book, Digging up Uncle Evans, about the 1837 wreck of the Steamboat Home, one of the most horrific wrecks ever on the North Carolina coast. You can read it here: https://www.villagecraftsmen.com/the-1837-wreck-of-the-steamboat-home/.
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