Ocracoke native, Capt. Thomas Franklin Gaskins (1854-1948), was known for his sartorial elegance. In retirement he almost always dressed in suit and tie, then walked down to Big Ike's store every morning to socialize with friends and neighbors. Tom Franks, as he was known to everyone, dreamed every night...vivid and sometimes disturbing dreams of his wife and daughter who had died years before.
One morning Tom Franks explained that Annie, his deceased wife who was extremely thin, and his daughter, Julia, were tormenting him from under the house. They had even come into his bedroom during the night and frightened him!
"How did they get in?" one of the men sitting around the pot-bellied stove asked.
"They came right through the cracks in the floor," Tom Franks explained, as he cast a bewildered look towards his questioner.
"Hell," exclaimed the quick-witted Oscar Jackson, "Miss Annie could have done that while she was still alive!"
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That was quite funny!!!