- Ocracoke is listed as having the following organizations & services:
- 1 magistrate (there are 4 on the mainland)
- 1 church (10 on the mainland)
- 3 merchants (55 on the mainland)
- 1 mill (11 on the mainland)
- 1 post office (8 on the mainland)
- The mainland has the following; Ocracoke has none:
- county offices
- hotels (5 on the mainland)
- lawyers (3 on the mainland)
- physicians (12 on the mainland)
- schools (3 on the mainland; all private)*
- farmers (52 on the mainland)
This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is my analysis of a sentence penned by surveyor Jonathan Price in 1795. The sentence reads, "Occacock was heretofore, and still retains the name of, an island. It is now a peninsula; a heap of sand having gradually filled up the space which divided it from the bank." You can read my analysis here: https://www.villagecraftsmen.com/description-occacock-1795/.
NCpedia a resource for information cites 1839 as the year the common school law passed. Funding was to be state and local. The business directory lists many a taxable entity to generate funds for a public school in Ocracoke. What was the school age population back then I wonder, AND why is the start of school geared to planting seasons, this is the 21st century and children do not work in the fields to provide sole income for a farm family. If part time they can enroll in online classes or correspondence courses -- the needs of the preponderance of the children should be met.