Friday, May 25, 2007

Mailboat Aleta

It's that time again. We've just published our most recent Ocracoke Newsletter. This month I reprint a 1951 newspaper article about a trip to Ocracoke before ferries and before the state paved the roads. The article documents the wonderful adventure of crossing Pamlico Sound on the mailboat "Aleta."

Take a journey back in time with us and capture some of the thrill of visiting a place like none other in the world. You can read the newsletter here.

If any of our long-time visitors have stories about trips on the Aleta, we'd love to hear them. Just leave a comment, or send us an email.


  1. I've heard the Aleta is now in the Neuse river. Does anyone have any location information?

    1. I have heard the same thing, but don't know exactly where it's located. It would be great if someone would raise and restore her.
