Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The winter beach is more likely to yield seashells than the summer beach. Late summer and fall hurricanes and storms stir up the sea floor, and fewer people are walking on the beach, especially on cold and blustery days.

Not long ago I stumbled upon two nice olive shells while walking along the beach. I wasn't even looking for them...just out taking a brisk walk. But of course I stopped to pick them up.

Lettered Olive Shells

If you are on the island this time of year, keep your eyes open for treasures from the sea.

Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of the day Charles Lindbergh landed on Ocracoke. You can read it here:


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I can't go to the beach without picking up (many, many) shells ... they're simply too amazing to leave them! I live far enough away from the coast that a trip to the beach is only on vacation, but I know if I lived closer, I'd have enough shells to fill my house floor to ceiling, and I've always wondered what people who live near the coast do with all the shells they must collect.

  2. We line our flower beds with conchs, display smaller shells on shelves or in baskets, and give them away to visitors (especially to children). Years ago islanders used conchs (actually whelks, but we called them conchs) as dippers at their cisterns.

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Philip, these are beautiful. My mother has a great collection of sea glass collected on Hatteras Island when we were smaller and the colors are pinks and blues. A few years ago she asked us to write down the items we'd like to have of hers one day...don't you know, 3 of her 4 children wrote down the glass?! We all just laughed and she said she'd split it up!

  4. I found another one today (Wednesday).

  5. when my granddaughter was small she found olive shells all the time and another granddaughter always found the 1st sand dollar.
