Thursday, June 05, 2014

Letter from Tobias Knight

In 1718 Tobias Knight, Secretary of the Colony of North Carolina, and Collector of His Majesty's Customs, penned a letter to Edward Teach. The letter begins "My ffriend," and continues with further indications of a close connection between the colony's highest officials and the pirate captain.

I know how difficult it is for us today to think that politicians and criminals might be in cahoots with each other...but try to imagine this nefarious collusion of almost 300 years ago. Herewith the incriminating letter:

November 17, 1718 

My ffriend,

If this finds you yet in harbour I would have you make the best of your way up as soon as possible your affairs will let you. I have something more to to say to you than at present I can write; The bearer will tell you the end of our Indian Warr, and Ganet can tell you in part what I have to say to you, so referr you in some measure to him.

I really think these three men are heartily sorry at their difference with you, and will be very willing to ask your pardon.  If I may advise, be ffriends again, its better than falling out among your selves.

I expect the Governor this night or tomorrow, who I believe would be likewise glad to see you before you goe, I have not time to add save my hearty respects to you, and am your real ffriend, And Servant.

T. Knight


Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the curious story of Vera/Charlie Williams. You can read it here:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Criminal & politician are synonyms.
