Nowadays one can bike, walk, or drive from one side of Ocracoke's Silver Lake harbor to the other in just a few minutes. It wasn't always so.
Miss Sue (Susan Gaskill Scarborough, 1878-1954) and Miss Lyzee (Eliza Gaskill Thomas, 1866-1946) were sisters. Miss Sue and her husband, Charlie Scarborough, lived "Around Creek" (on the north side of Cockle Creek/Silver Lake):
Photo Courtesy of OPS |
Miss Lyzee and her husband, Capt. Bill Thomas, lived "Down Point" (on the south side of Cockle Creek/Silver Lake):
Photo by L.A. Homan |
In the sisters' day, two narrow streams (or "guts" as islanders called them) flowed from the harbor toward the bald beach. These streams (the big gut, and the little
gut) effectively divided Ocracoke village into two main sections (Down
Point, the area that included the lighthouse; and Around Creek, the area
that included the Community Store). Eventually
simple foot bridges were built across the guts in several places.
Howard Family Collection |
However, the journey by foot (through soft sand and across the rickety bridges) from one side of Cockle Creek/Silver Lake harbor to the other side was not taken lightly. Miss Sue and Miss Lysee had a clear view of each other's houses across the harbor, but when Miss Sue took a notion to visit Lyzee she intended it to be a proper visit, and that meant packing her valise for the journey. After walking for more than an hour she wasn't about to turn right around and return home. She always stayed several days with her sister before walking back to the "Creek" side.
How times have changed!
Thanks to Miss Sue's great-grandson, Al Scarborough, for this story [correction: Al called to tell me he is Miss Sue's grandson, not great-grandson].
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is the story of Beatrice Wells, child
evangelist, who preached at Ocracoke in the late 1930s/early 1940s. You
can read it here: