Thursday, April 20, 2006


Several readers have asked about Nathaniel Jackson. One of the island's colorful octogenarians, Nat experienced some medical complications recently and is now in a long-term care facility. Those of you who know him may want to drop him a note at Room 107-A, Britthaven Outer Banks, 430 W. Health Center Dr., Nags Head, NC 27959.

Mildred O'Neal, another older island resident, and her husband, John, have also had recent medical issues. Cards can be sent to them at Ocracoke, NC, 27960.

Two other "old-timers" died in the last several weeks, John Gaskins & Mary Elizabeth Gaskins. We extend our sympathies to their families, and mourn the passing of yet two more native islanders.

It is always a great loss to our community when bearers of our heritage are no longer here to share their lives and their stories with the younger generations.

You can read our latest newsletter here: It's the story of Old Kade.


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