How wrong I was. On Saturday I reported that there was some overwash on Highway 12, but that it had virtually no effect on Ocracoke. Just yesterday I learned that the overwash was significant (though the road crew quickly repaired the damage to the dunes and re-opened the road). Dale was down at the north end on Saturday at high tide and took these photos. I think they speak for themselves. They are in no particular order, and you can click on them to view a larger image. Thank you Dale!

This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is Lou Ann's story about volunteering for turtle patrol with the National Park Service. You can read her story and see her pictures here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news072809.htm.
Oh I'm so sorry I didn't think to ask Frank how bad Bill was. I just took it for granted that you were all ok.:( I hope that wasn't Dale and Jaren's car in the photos.
ReplyDeleteHope to see you all soon!
What were those people in that car thinking!!
ReplyDeleteIf you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way
ReplyDeletemark twain
were they thinking cash for clunkers
ReplyDeleteI think they read the Saturday Blog post here and went to go for a ride.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of a Green Day song D (riving) U (nder) I (incorrect information)
It's not Dale & Jaren's car. Don't know who it belongs to or how they ended up being flooded (maybe the ocean broke through the dunes just as they were passing by...or maybe they were thinking they could drive through that rip current!)
ReplyDeleteAs a kid growing up in Dade County, Florida --I like to say Dade County as I think it adds an air of mystery. If you are familiar with Dade county it separates the visitors from the transplants from the natives . Dade County ground zero for oh so many hurricanes and for a kid well it sure made for an exciting summer vacation. What I do remember is it gave me a sense of humility about life. If the transformer blows on your block and you are left in a veil of darkness as the wind howls and the rain pings against the aluminum shutters on the windows -- your only contact with the outside world is a transistor battery powered radio. If your Family Camping phase was active, a Coleman lamp or candles provided illumination along with AM broadcasts and NOAA updates. The local radio station -- where the unsung hero of the night toiled away calming fears if his tower was not a casualty. What does an islander do? -- is the radio the first choice of information? I, as the years go by find myself turning to Local radio more frequently for my source of news even when the sun is shining and the skies are clear. As television is geared to a channel surfer-- a radio listener does just that- listens.
ReplyDeleteNicely said!
ReplyDeleteDid the water rise in the village? Any new water hash marks at Village Craftsman?
ReplyDeleteA reader asked, Is the radio the first source of information during a hurricane? Radio, for sure...and a battery powered one, or one with a wind-up generator. Otherwise, when the power is out you're cut off from the outside world.
ReplyDeleteWater in the village? No. The ocean breached the dunes only along Hwy 12 in a few places. In the village we wouldn't even have known there was a storm out there.