I love growing things and that's not easy on this island. Between salt wind and salt flooding one soon learns to plant only what grows here naturally or what has been able to adapt like roses, oleander, and wisteria. Anything else you grow in pots and keep your fingers crossed. Then when a cold snap comes.... well we'll get to that tomorrow!
PS from Philip: I have an apology to the reader who made a comment on our December 4 post. I didn't understand the context of your comment. For a full explanation please go to the comments for that date. Thank you.
Click on the photo below to view a selection of Avery pottery from Village Craftsmen's online catalog.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a history of the early twentieth century Doxsee Clam Factory on Ocracoke island. Click on the following link to go directly there: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news112110.htm.
I thought maybe I was losing it. I read that comment, but when I checked a little later-no comment. Whew what a relief!