Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Island Expressions

If you spend enough time on Ocracoke you are bound to hear some colorful expressions. This one was heard at the ferry office one windy day:

"It's blowing so hard it could drive a goat into a quart jar!"

And a neighbor had this to say recently when I stopped and commented on some industrious work going on in his front yard:

"Dey, Blessed Father...it's the greatest time since Hatteras Inlet broke through!" (Hatteras Inlet "broke through" in 1846!)

There's always something to brighten up a winter day on Ocracoke Island.

This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is about the almost forgotten 1890 "Oyster Wars" that pitted islanders against outside business interests. You can read the article here: http://www.villagecraftsmen.com/news012115.htm.


  1. Chilly in Philly6:53 AM

    With a wind chill of zero, your post helped to brighten my day a little too. :-)

  2. It's no wonder Walt Wolfram loves to spend time on Ocracoke. Always something special to learn and study!
