Wednesday, December 07, 2016

House Tour Photos

This past Saturday OPS hosted an Ocracoke Christmas House Tour. Although only two house were on the tour, both are contributing structures in the Ocracoke Historic District, and there was considerable interest in seeing the interiors.

Blue Harbor, built in 1913 and renovated last year, was originally the home of Leonard and Aretta Williams.

Photo Courtesy Ocracoke Current

The Captain Bill Thomas & Eliza Gaskill Thomas house (more recently called the Barksdale Cottage) was built in 1899. Very little has changed in the last 117 years.

Philip Howard Photo

Click here for more information about the houses:

And click here for photos of the interiors of the houses: (Village Craftsmen's Facebook Page).

Our current Ocracoke Newsletter is a 1938 article about Capt. Gary Bragg, waterfowl hunting, and wooden decoy carving. You can read it here:


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I can see that house would be perfect for entertaining. Is it a custom on OI to decorate a holiday tree closer to Dec. 25th? Is it a custom on the island to decorate with a string of lights or two? Wreaths, are wreaths a popular item to add to the decor to create a festive mood? If one has a mantel are stockings hung by the chimney with care? Just asking because the images published look like file photos of OPS.DD

    1. Most islanders put their Christmas trees up soon after Thanksgiving. Many homes & businesses are decorated with wreaths and white or colored lights. Our power poles sport lighted snowflakes and angels. The images posted were not file photos.

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Modern day man is want for year end reviews. Perhaps your readers would reflect on memorable blog entries for 2016. There are so many, but the historic gruesome discovery begs for closure. With DNA methodologies, one would hope the FBI could solve the crime. (May 2016)

    1. You are referring to this blog post: To my knowledge there never was any closure, but there is no doubt the crime took place very far away, and the body simply fetched up at Ocracoke.
