Monday, December 05, 2016


Beginning in late November, folks out walking our beach are occasionally rewarded with whale sightings. I have talked with several people who have seen whales off shore lately. One afternoon my companions and I saw a pod of whales quite a distance away. The spray from their blowholes and their backs briefly breaking the surface were unmistakable signs of whales. But they were too far away for photos. Just this past weekend another pd of whales was sighted just south of the airstrip.

This photo was taken several years ago. A right whale (I think that's what it was) was just beyond the breakers. I walked along with it for about a mile. 

Whales were hunted along the Outer Banks many years ago. For more information click here.  And, if you are walking on the beach this winter, be sure to cast your eyes out to sea. You might be one of the lucky ones who see these magnificent creatures.

Our current Ocracoke Newsletter is a 1938 article about Capt. Gary Bragg, waterfowl hunting, and wooden decoy carving. You can read it here:


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    very cool. It's good to know that they are there even you can't see them - or never do.

  2. Yes, we've seen whales twice (!) in the last month we've been here. Both times just off Airport/Lifeguard on days when the water is quite calm and the sun is out. Don't know if there's a connection there but it's a very special feeling watching them come up, blow water and the first time even jump!

  3. I want to tell you about a weekend fossil hunting trip I took a few weeks ago. It was a cold, but sunny Saturday in December. We had a great time and found many great fossils to add to our collection. Click here
