Friday, September 15, 2006

The Hurricane of '44

Yesterday Dale reminded me that it was the 62nd anniversary of the "Hurricane of '44". The evening before ,Aycock Brown warned of the impending storm so it's told. Dale says his Granny remembered that evening as being particularly beautiful. The next morning one of the worst hurricanes ever to hit the east coast struck witha fury! Only five houses on Ocracoke escaped flooding. The Pamlico Inn was almost entirely washed away as were a number of homes. The mailboat was washed up right about where Ride the Wind is now. We've been very lucky this year. No storms so far and none brewing that we know. This summer has provided plentiful rain and the island is lush and green. It's a grand time to visit. Some of the stories Dale told me of the '44 storm were so interesting we'll have to pass them along to week.

You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street


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