Wednesday, December 18, 2013

USLSS Marker

Two days ago I published a photo of a United States Life Saving Service line marker. The marker in that photo has been moved. It was originally placed on one of the boundaries of the USLSS boathouse property on Lighthouse Road. Actually the boathouse was moved a hundred feet or so to the northeast several decades ago. The boathouse has been raised and remodeled inside, and is now the home of a native islander. A sign by the road identifies the house as "The Boathouse." 

The line marker below was on one of the other boundary lines. It is in its original location, not far from the road, just southwest of the boathouse.

Closeup of the USLSS Line Marker

The Line Marker with Outbuilding Behind

Looking for holiday gifts? Village Craftsmen's on-line catalog is filled with quality American made hand crafts. Click on the photo below to visit our page of Ocracoke Fig Preserves.

Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a 1921 letter written by a former slave, Harrison Williams, to Ocracoke native, Martha Ann Howard Wahab. You can read it here:


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Oh my, looks like your OI may be a treasure trove for the weathered boards that interior designers desire. The out building is charming. Is there a secret to achieving such a weathered look for an exterior?. It gives a structure such character and speaks volumes. I must admit, I thought a picture of the Boathouse residence may have been shared. Anyway, with the ease of photos these days ... is there a page on the web to your knowledge-- that documents the iconic OI house/buildings?

    1. Look for a couple of photos of the boathouse tomorrow. The secret of a weathered look? Just Father Time...and a little salt spray.

  2. Bear MacDonald9:55 AM

    So now that we know the original location of the marker posted two days ago, Where is it now? Maybe I missed something in your answer.
    This has been fun. Thanks

    1. The marker in Monday's photo is by my back steps. In the 1980s we purchased the old USLSS property on Lighthouse Road with the Senseneys. We agreed that each of us should have one of the markers. My marker was moved, then moved again when the house and land were sold several years ago.

    2. Anonymous12:00 AM

      I do hope people refrain from attempting to sound out as a word the acronym for USLSS . for heavens sake these men were anything but useless!!DD
