Monday, November 07, 2016

Latino de Ocracoke

Saturday, November 12, Ocracoke will host the first annual Festival Latino de Ocracoke. Events will take place at Ocracoke School from 11 AM to 9 PM, followed by a dance at the Ocracoke Community Center from 9 PM to midnight. (Click here for a detailed program in both Spanish and English)

The Festival Latino de Ocracoke will be a day to honor vibrant Hispanic traditions, and a day to celebrate the unity of all who are part of this great community. Through delicious authentic food, traditional dances and music, exciting games, crafts, and fun for all ages, organizers hope this festival will bring the community together to experience and enjoy the friendship of our cultures.

Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is about earthquakes that have affected Ocracoke and the Outer Banks. You can read the newsletter here:   


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Oh, I wish I could be there. Maybe next year, it could happen sometime earlier in the season.

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The program flyer mentions and thus leads one to think the event is a fundraiser.

    1. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Ocracoke School and the Ocacoke Day Care.
