Official Release of Information from Hyde County Emergency Management Office:
Date: 08/31/06 Event: Tropical Storm Ernesto
Time: 1100 For Immediate Release
The National Hurricane Center has adjusted its forecast track for Ernesto slightly eastward. In doing so, they have extended Tropical Storm Warnings up the N. C. Outer Banks. A Hurricane Watch has been established south of Cape Lookout.
The Ocracoke Control Group and Hyde County Emergency Management have decided to recommend sheltering in place at present. However, any person with significant medical conditions should consider leaving the island as public safety services will be suspended should Tropical Storm conditions occur. No other evacuation orders or recommendations will be issued at present.
For Ocracoke and mainland Hyde, all persons should secure personal property and prepare for the possibility of Tropical Storm force conditions.
Everyone should continue to monitor the storm closely as there is the potential for additional forecast adjustments later today and tonight that could impact Ocracoke Island and Hyde County.
The Ferry System has advised that the 6:30PM and the 8PM Cedar Island ferries will be cancelled tonight. The National Park Service has advised that the Ocracoke Campground will be closed at noon today.
Tony Spencer, Emergency Management Coordinator
Thursday, August 31, 2006
As you can imagine, we on Ocracoke have been monitoring the progress of Tropical Storm Ernesto. According to Hyde County Emergency Management sources, the storm is expected to make a "second US landfall around Charleston, SC and [come] up through central NC near Durham....All but the very western tip of Hyde County is now outside the margin of average forecast error, and each passing hour on the forecast tract decreases impact to us."
If conditions change, information will be available on Hyde County's official web site:
In the meanwhile we are going about our business as usual, anticipating a Labor Day weekend that is partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain -- much like today.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
If conditions change, information will be available on Hyde County's official web site:
In the meanwhile we are going about our business as usual, anticipating a Labor Day weekend that is partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain -- much like today.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bridge Over the Little Gut
If you have been visiting Ocracoke for a while, or if you've been on one of our ghost & history walks, you may be familiar with the bridges that crossed the "guts" in Ocracoke village prior to WWII.
Extensions of Cockle Creek (now often called Silver Lake), the "Little Gut" cut through the village about where Hwy 12 now runs, and the "Big Gut" was parallel to the first, near the new wing of the Island Inn. They were filled in by the Navy in 1942.
Just the other day I discovered this photo, taken in 1939, that shows one of the bridges built by the CCC. The arrow on the right points to the bridge. The arrow on the left shows the lighthouse which is just barely visible in this photo. The picture was taken from about where the Island Ragpicker is now.

You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Extensions of Cockle Creek (now often called Silver Lake), the "Little Gut" cut through the village about where Hwy 12 now runs, and the "Big Gut" was parallel to the first, near the new wing of the Island Inn. They were filled in by the Navy in 1942.
Just the other day I discovered this photo, taken in 1939, that shows one of the bridges built by the CCC. The arrow on the right points to the bridge. The arrow on the left shows the lighthouse which is just barely visible in this photo. The picture was taken from about where the Island Ragpicker is now.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Spanish Treasure Ship
As most of us are aware, Tropical Storm Ernesto is headed for the Floriday Keys. Of course we are all hoping for the best. At least the winds are not severe.
In mid-August of 1750 another storm, more formidable than Ernesto, assaulted a Spanish Treasure fleet off the Outer Banks. According to Paul Mosher, in Pieces of Eight, in early September of that year the Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, "with a million pieces of eight limped into Ocracoke as the result of storm damage."
A portion of the gold was subsequently spirited away by a shadowy captain and his crew, never to be heard from again. The remainer was transported by a British armed ship across the seas to Spain. Eventually some of Spain's gold came back to Ocracoke in the form of coins. As a child, Paul actually found a 1776 Spanish coin in Ocracoke waters.
Maybe, when we stroll the shorelines here, we should be keeping our eyes open for Spanish gold as much as for pirate treasure!
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
In mid-August of 1750 another storm, more formidable than Ernesto, assaulted a Spanish Treasure fleet off the Outer Banks. According to Paul Mosher, in Pieces of Eight, in early September of that year the Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, "with a million pieces of eight limped into Ocracoke as the result of storm damage."
A portion of the gold was subsequently spirited away by a shadowy captain and his crew, never to be heard from again. The remainer was transported by a British armed ship across the seas to Spain. Eventually some of Spain's gold came back to Ocracoke in the form of coins. As a child, Paul actually found a 1776 Spanish coin in Ocracoke waters.
Maybe, when we stroll the shorelines here, we should be keeping our eyes open for Spanish gold as much as for pirate treasure!
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Looking Out My Window
I am sitting at my desk, above the Village Craftsmen. This used to be my apartment, but now it is my office. I love living in my grandparents' home, with its old beadboard walls, narrow staircase, antique windows, and pinewood floors (and its modern kitchen, two bathrooms, and central heat & A/C!). But sometimes I do miss the view from this old apartment window. Today is sunny and bright, but the graveyard across the street is nestled among the oaks and cedars, and is dappled with shadows. Several tombstones are in the open, and are gleaming in the sunlight. It is here that my parents are buried, along with four other generations of my family. They rest quietly and serenely. They are a reminder that life is short, and that the daily worries & cares of one generation pass on with them. I believe I'll just enjoy this day.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The beach was strewn with seaweed today. Rows of seaweed, clumps of seaweed, individual strands of seaweed. I wonder why it washes up like this sometimes and not other times. The water was wonderful, though. A little seaweed floating around, but not a nuisance. Otherwise, perfect. No current to speak of. Gentle waves. Warm water. And hardly a soul to be seen. Most schools must be in session, or nearly so. The village is quiet too. A nice respite from the busy days of July and early August.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Dance Tonight
There is a big sign in front of the Community Center. I saw it yesterday afternoon when I went there to pick up fish fry dinners (a fund raiser for Ocracoke Child Care). There is a dance tonight, starting at 8 pm. Oldies, Swing, Jazz. It sounds like fun! Don't know who is sponsoring it. I just wish Lou Ann were here. We'd go and have a great time.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Variety Show, 1979
I've been sorting through some old photos. This one was taken in the school gymnasium during a variety show in 1979. My father, Lawton Howard, is on the left, playing banjo; Jule Garrish is in the middle, on guitar; and Edgar Howard is on the right, with his five string banjo.
Edgar played vaudeville in New York and other cities in the '20s & '30s with celebrities such as Al Jolson, Gene Autry, and Milton Berle. Edgar is buried across the street from the Village Craftsmen. His is the grave with the picture of the banjo on the tombstone, and the epitaph, "You ain't heard nothing yet!"

You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Edgar played vaudeville in New York and other cities in the '20s & '30s with celebrities such as Al Jolson, Gene Autry, and Milton Berle. Edgar is buried across the street from the Village Craftsmen. His is the grave with the picture of the banjo on the tombstone, and the epitaph, "You ain't heard nothing yet!"
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I know, the ocean is always salty, but today it tasted especially so. Maybe it was all in my head. The water was so crisp and clean today. Just so wonderfully the Atlantic Ocean. The waves were gentle and inviting. No one nearby at all. I had my section of the beach all to myself. It was totally refreshing to dive under the waves and come up to the surface with that clean salty taste on my lips. It is good to be alive...and to be
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Mustang Sally & the Victoria S
This is the perfect day to curl up with a good book. Maybe that's why it is so quiet along Howard Street this morning. Only a few people are milling about. The skies are gray and heavy. Trees and bushes are glistening with raindrops. There are puddles in the roads.
Actually I started my latest book last night and picked it up first thing this morning. I have become captivated by it. Kitty Mitchell's mother, Sally Martin, has written her memoir of a recent adventure. It is called "Mustang Sally's Guide to World bicycle Touring." That's right, at the age of 65 Sally bicycled around the world! Quite a remarkable feat! (Sally's daughter, Kitty, is the bass guitarist for Ocracoke's band, "Molasses Creek.")
On page 51, Sally says, "My high school English teacher had said I had a talent for the humorous, personal essay." Her teacher was right. Her book is a thoroughly enjoyable read (though it could use more editing -- the all-too-numerous typos can get distracting).
In other news, today is the anniversary of the wreck of the four-masted schooner, "Victoria S," on Ocracoke's beach in 1925.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Actually I started my latest book last night and picked it up first thing this morning. I have become captivated by it. Kitty Mitchell's mother, Sally Martin, has written her memoir of a recent adventure. It is called "Mustang Sally's Guide to World bicycle Touring." That's right, at the age of 65 Sally bicycled around the world! Quite a remarkable feat! (Sally's daughter, Kitty, is the bass guitarist for Ocracoke's band, "Molasses Creek.")
On page 51, Sally says, "My high school English teacher had said I had a talent for the humorous, personal essay." Her teacher was right. Her book is a thoroughly enjoyable read (though it could use more editing -- the all-too-numerous typos can get distracting).
In other news, today is the anniversary of the wreck of the four-masted schooner, "Victoria S," on Ocracoke's beach in 1925.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's a history of Ocracoke's historic Howard Street.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A New Newsletter
Finally.....I've published another newsletter. I know I missed a month. Actually I've had the newsletter ready for several weeks, but have had problems with the laptop that the bulk of our web site resides on.
This month I share with you a brief history of Howard Street -- the footpath that preceded the road, the petition of 1835 to widen the footpath, the decision by the state to pave the western end of the road, and Stacy Howard's thought to nail up the "East Howard Street" sign soon afterwards.
You can read the history here.
Today, in 1933, Ocracoke experienced one of the island's most devastating hurricanes (along with those in 1899 & 1944). According to contemporary accounts the water was knee-deep in the village, and winds were estimated to be over 120 mph.
This month I share with you a brief history of Howard Street -- the footpath that preceded the road, the petition of 1835 to widen the footpath, the decision by the state to pave the western end of the road, and Stacy Howard's thought to nail up the "East Howard Street" sign soon afterwards.
You can read the history here.
Today, in 1933, Ocracoke experienced one of the island's most devastating hurricanes (along with those in 1899 & 1944). According to contemporary accounts the water was knee-deep in the village, and winds were estimated to be over 120 mph.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Post Office
On this date, in 1840, the Outer Banks' first post office was established with William H. Howard as postmaster. For years mail was brought to the island by sailing vessels, and later by motor-powered mailboat. The Aleta and the Dolphin are the two mailboats most fondly rememberd by Ocracokers.
The mailboat generally made one round trip daily between the island and the mainland. It would leave Ocracoke early in the morning and arrive at the dock in Atlantic sometime before noon. After a lay over she would head back across the sound, and arrive at Ocracoke about 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. This was the social event of the day as scores of islanders gathered to greet the mailboat when she glided up to the dock.
The mailboat carried groceries, soft drinks, packages, and passengers, as well as the mail. It was Ocracoke's only reliable link to the mainland until the mid-1950s when a hard surface road was built to Hatteras Inlet, and the state of North Carolina began regular ferry operations there.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
The mailboat generally made one round trip daily between the island and the mainland. It would leave Ocracoke early in the morning and arrive at the dock in Atlantic sometime before noon. After a lay over she would head back across the sound, and arrive at Ocracoke about 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. This was the social event of the day as scores of islanders gathered to greet the mailboat when she glided up to the dock.
The mailboat carried groceries, soft drinks, packages, and passengers, as well as the mail. It was Ocracoke's only reliable link to the mainland until the mid-1950s when a hard surface road was built to Hatteras Inlet, and the state of North Carolina began regular ferry operations there.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Cherybin & A.J. Marine
On this date in 1887 two schooners, the Cherybin and the A.J. Marine, both wrecked near Hatteras Inlet, four miles from shore. According to reports by the keeper of the Life Saving Station, James W. Howard, it was "very stormy" with "gale" force winds and "driving rain." The sea was "rough" & "full, running over beach fearful." Both vessels had lost their main masts.
The storm was so severe that it had driven the station's rescue boat up on shore and both the rudder and the oars were washed away. The station crew had to make a new rudder.
The stranded schooners were spied about 2 o'clock p.m. on the 20th. Because of the rough seas and lost rudder the life saving crew was unable even to launch their boat until 4 a.m. on the 21st. They arrived at the wrecked schooners more than three hours later, between 7 & 8 a.m.
Neither vessel was in danger of breaking apart and no assistance was needed, except that a steamer was summoned to help refloat the ships when the weather cleared.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
The storm was so severe that it had driven the station's rescue boat up on shore and both the rudder and the oars were washed away. The station crew had to make a new rudder.
The stranded schooners were spied about 2 o'clock p.m. on the 20th. Because of the rough seas and lost rudder the life saving crew was unable even to launch their boat until 4 a.m. on the 21st. They arrived at the wrecked schooners more than three hours later, between 7 & 8 a.m.
Neither vessel was in danger of breaking apart and no assistance was needed, except that a steamer was summoned to help refloat the ships when the weather cleared.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Old Time Gospel Sing
About 150 people gathered in the front lawn of "Books to be Red" on School Road this evening. We brought lawn chairs and boxed suppers. About a dozen musicians and singers were set up on the porch to lead us in a traditional gospel sing.
For two hours we sat and sang along. Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Keep on the Sunny Side of Life, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Precious Memories........ It felt like an old time Camp Meeting (but without the preaching!). A few folks milled around and whispered greetings to each other. Babies slept on blankets. Toddlers roamed around through the crowd. Young children climbed trees or rode the tire-swing horse. Teenagers flirted with each other.
Surrounded by stately old live oak trees, facing an historic old island home, side by side with neighbors and out-of-towners, listening to traditional southern gospel music.... It was an experience that few communities have any more. We feel blessed to be a part of this wonderful village.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
For two hours we sat and sang along. Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Keep on the Sunny Side of Life, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Precious Memories........ It felt like an old time Camp Meeting (but without the preaching!). A few folks milled around and whispered greetings to each other. Babies slept on blankets. Toddlers roamed around through the crowd. Young children climbed trees or rode the tire-swing horse. Teenagers flirted with each other.
Surrounded by stately old live oak trees, facing an historic old island home, side by side with neighbors and out-of-towners, listening to traditional southern gospel music.... It was an experience that few communities have any more. We feel blessed to be a part of this wonderful village.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Friday, August 18, 2006
A Photo
The arrow on the left points to the Island Inn. The arrow on the right points to the intersection where the kayaks are rented.
The times they are a-changin'.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A reader recently asked, "Were you a member of Ocracoke's legendary horseback-mounted Boy Scout troop?"
Sad to say, I was not. I was the right age, but unfortunately my father had moved off the island, and I did not live on Ocracoke year 'round. My father's older brother, my Uncle Marvin, was the scout leader and it was his idea to organize the mounted troop.
Marvin was such a wonderful man, and an extremely positive influence on island teenagers. I believe it 's fair to say that all of the scouts in his troop thought the world of him.
However, even if I weren't a mounted scout I did ride the ponies now and again when I was on the island. I would never claim to have been very accomplished, but the photo below at least verifies my comment. It was taken about 1958 in my grandparents' yard on what is now called Lawton Lane.

You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death.".
Sad to say, I was not. I was the right age, but unfortunately my father had moved off the island, and I did not live on Ocracoke year 'round. My father's older brother, my Uncle Marvin, was the scout leader and it was his idea to organize the mounted troop.
Marvin was such a wonderful man, and an extremely positive influence on island teenagers. I believe it 's fair to say that all of the scouts in his troop thought the world of him.
However, even if I weren't a mounted scout I did ride the ponies now and again when I was on the island. I would never claim to have been very accomplished, but the photo below at least verifies my comment. It was taken about 1958 in my grandparents' yard on what is now called Lawton Lane.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death.".
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Old August Storm
Today is the one-hundred-and-seventh anniversary of the old August Storm. On August 16, 1899 this hurricane (probably the most destructive storm to pummel Ocracoke within historical memory) struck with a vengeance. Over the course of three days the winds and tides wreaked havoc. Reports indicate that wind velocity reached 120 miles per hour.
Click here to read a full account of the storm.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Click here to read a full account of the storm.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Happy Birthday Wayne
Yesterday Wayne Teeter celebrated his 62nd birthday. Wayne has been one of my friends since I was a child. Together with Stan Gaskins and other buddies, we went to the square dances back in the '50s and flirted with the girls. We roamed the village at night, walking barefoot through the soft sand lanes. Together we gigged flounders on the reef. Wayne taught me to eat raw clams. We rode ponies, shared stories, chunked clam shells in the road, and even snitched a Coca-Cola now and then from the mailboat, "Dolphin," when she was tied up at the dock. Our birthdays are only two weeks apart.
At the party yesterday evening in Wayne & Ada's yard Earl Gaskins was serving ice cream. When I approached with my piece of cake a smile grew on Earl's face. "Bucky," he said, with an impish grin, "I didn't know you could be so sappy! And why did you tell us all that?"
"So, you've been reading my journal [see Monday, August 7]," I shot back. "I guess I'll have to be more careful from now on."
But now the cat is out of the bag, as they say. I believe I'll be reminded of my sappy journal entry for many years to come.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death.".
At the party yesterday evening in Wayne & Ada's yard Earl Gaskins was serving ice cream. When I approached with my piece of cake a smile grew on Earl's face. "Bucky," he said, with an impish grin, "I didn't know you could be so sappy! And why did you tell us all that?"
"So, you've been reading my journal [see Monday, August 7]," I shot back. "I guess I'll have to be more careful from now on."
But now the cat is out of the bag, as they say. I believe I'll be reminded of my sappy journal entry for many years to come.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death.".
Monday, August 14, 2006
Tropical Water
Yesterday was such a beautiful day I went to the beach twice. Amy called about 7 am and asked me if I wanted to join her and Lachlan. Of course I agreed. We played in the sand, found locust shells on the grasses in the dunes, and splashed in the water. Only a few other folks were out that early, so we had the beach mostly to ourselves.
At noon, I went back (to a less populous beach) and walked several miles. To cool off I plunged into the surf. What a refreshing respite. The water was a clear, clean green. So often our water is rough, and it churns up sand, but yesterday it looked like the tropical waters of the Caribbean.
Truly, yesterday was the perfect beach day -- clear, blue skies; clean, sparkling water; and soft, warm sand. Ahhhhhhh.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
At noon, I went back (to a less populous beach) and walked several miles. To cool off I plunged into the surf. What a refreshing respite. The water was a clear, clean green. So often our water is rough, and it churns up sand, but yesterday it looked like the tropical waters of the Caribbean.
Truly, yesterday was the perfect beach day -- clear, blue skies; clean, sparkling water; and soft, warm sand. Ahhhhhhh.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Bonfire on the Beach
Jude & Frank invited me to join them last night. Family members were visiting from the mainland and they had planned a bonfire at the high water mark. When I arrived the oak & cedar logs were blazing, and folks were sitting around chatting. Dale was there with his wife, Jaren. We walked down to the surf looking for phosphoresence. There were only small traces of the microscopic plankton that glow like effervescent diamonds, but just then the amber moon rose above the sea and put us all under its spell.
Back at the fire Frank's cousin, Andrew, with guitar in hand, entertained us as we shared stories and tall tales. Lou Ann told me earlier in the day that she was sad she wouldn't be there "to join in as you sing Kumbya." So just for Lou Ann I broke out my harmonica, and Andrew played along, as we all sang that quintessential 1960s campfire song. I'm hoping Lou Ann "heard" us as we sang just for her.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Back at the fire Frank's cousin, Andrew, with guitar in hand, entertained us as we shared stories and tall tales. Lou Ann told me earlier in the day that she was sad she wouldn't be there "to join in as you sing Kumbya." So just for Lou Ann I broke out my harmonica, and Andrew played along, as we all sang that quintessential 1960s campfire song. I'm hoping Lou Ann "heard" us as we sang just for her.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Saturday, August 12, 2006
....with a light rain. And low humidity. Today is not the best "beach day" but we are enjoying the change. If I didn't have to work today, I'd definitely be reading a good book, writing down some of my island stories, visiting cousin Blanche, playing with Lachlan, or just organizing my notes. But working is not so bad. I have no commute, get to walk home for lunch, wear shorts & a t-shirt, sometimes work barefooted, have great employees & relaxed, laid-back customers, and am surrounded by quality, handmade items. I think I'll stay here and keep my job.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Friday, August 11, 2006
Ocracokers were sadened to learn that long-time island resident, Sherrill Senseney, died last Sunday. Although Sherrill and her husband, David, had been living in the North Carolina mountains the last several years, they maintained their home on the island, and often spent the better part of their summers here.
Sherrill & David moved to Ocracoke in the mid-1970s as new teachers. Sherrill was an active church member and a steady supporter of the school and other island organizations. She had a deep and abiding committment to this special community. She appreciated island history, traditions, and stories, and nurtured her friends and family in loving and caring ways. Sherrill had a quiet and calm presence that encouraged all around her to cooperate, respect each other, and honor their differences as well as their similarities.
David and their daughters, Claire, Mary Britton, and Sally, as well as her extended family, will surely miss Sherrill's steady love and warm embrace. They and we who are left behind on Ocracoke will keep Sherrill's memory alive as we tell her stories, recall her gentle smile, celebrate her sense of humor, and learn from her exemplary life.
Sherrill is deeply missed. Farewell, friend.
Sherrill & David moved to Ocracoke in the mid-1970s as new teachers. Sherrill was an active church member and a steady supporter of the school and other island organizations. She had a deep and abiding committment to this special community. She appreciated island history, traditions, and stories, and nurtured her friends and family in loving and caring ways. Sherrill had a quiet and calm presence that encouraged all around her to cooperate, respect each other, and honor their differences as well as their similarities.
David and their daughters, Claire, Mary Britton, and Sally, as well as her extended family, will surely miss Sherrill's steady love and warm embrace. They and we who are left behind on Ocracoke will keep Sherrill's memory alive as we tell her stories, recall her gentle smile, celebrate her sense of humor, and learn from her exemplary life.
Sherrill is deeply missed. Farewell, friend.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Too Much Calm?
Several years ago I had a delightful conversation with a very pleasant young woman from Manhattan. It was her first visit to Ocracoke and she had a number of questions about island history, traditions, and life style. She had clearly never visited anyplace like Ocracoke before. When she was ready to leave she stopped and told me that she "really like[d] it here on the island," but that she "could never live here." I asked her why. "Too much calm makes me nervous," she replied.
Recently I saw a t-shirt with this message, "www.ocracoke.calm." I suppose it's too much for some folks, but it suits us just fine.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Recently I saw a t-shirt with this message, "www.ocracoke.calm." I suppose it's too much for some folks, but it suits us just fine.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Storm Clouds
Dark, menacing clouds rolled in over the village yesterday evening. They slowly swirled, layer upon layer, with light feathery edges at the periphery. Like colorless molten lava they folded in upon themselves, only to re-emerge later in different shapes. Lightning flashed in the distance and a few drops of rain fell.
Gradually the sky turned a uniform, gun-metal gray. The menace had turned into a more familiar dull presence. Rain fell steadily and rumbling thunder pierced the silence. In short order a few bright streaks of jagged electricity rent the heavens.
It never amounted to much more than that, however. By this morning all that is left is a gray, overcast sky, and a good excuse to stay home and read a good book.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Gradually the sky turned a uniform, gun-metal gray. The menace had turned into a more familiar dull presence. Rain fell steadily and rumbling thunder pierced the silence. In short order a few bright streaks of jagged electricity rent the heavens.
It never amounted to much more than that, however. By this morning all that is left is a gray, overcast sky, and a good excuse to stay home and read a good book.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
My son, Stefen, and his wife, Snee, and their three children, Zoe, Eakin, & Eliza, were here all last week. We went out in Pamlico Sound in the boat, dug for clams, played in the surf, walked to Springer's Point, enjoyed dinners together, sat on the porch, and generally had a wonderful time together. Amy & David brought Lachlan by to play with his cousins. They all seemed like island urchins, running barefoot through the sand, catching toads, and screeching with delight. More than once I thought how like Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, & Huck Finn they all were.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Monday, August 07, 2006
"Something Sappy.......
.....Nothing about shipwrecks, or history." Those were my instructions for the journal early this morning as Lou Ann & I stood on the deck of the Hatteras Inlet ferry. We were on our way to the Norfolk airport where Lou Ann had a flight taking her back to her other life in the midwest.
This has been a fabulous summer for us both. Lou Ann loves Ocracoke. Every week she researched island history and included it in her Wednesday evening Radio Show at the Opry. Together we played "Miss Maggie Mae" & "Walter Howard" to an appreciative audience. We loved doing it. On Tuesdays and Fridays we joined Amy leading ghost & history tours through the village. Nearly every Sunday evening you could find us listening to Martin Garrish & Friends at the Jolly Roger restaurant on the harbor.
We found time to help out at the Ocrafolk Festival, and to host pot luck dinners, birthday celebrations, music in the parlor, & square dancing in the front yard,. We went out in Rob's sailboat, dug for clams with the grandchildren, flew kites, swam in the surf, hiked at Springer's Point, and visited with friends & neighbors.
We also played cribbage by coal oil lamp, enjoyed Sunsets on the Pizer, shared books and magazine articles, and talked on the porch swing late into the night. We walked hand-in-hand down Howard Street under the full moon, showered outside under the cedars and live oaks, and stole a kiss or two now and then.
Oh yes, we found time to work, too!
Tonight the house will be quiet, and I'll sit alone on the old porch swing. I miss Lou Ann already, of course. And I know she wishes, as I do, that we didn't have these regular periods of separation. It was hard to see her off today. But we've planned some time together this fall, at least every month. And we'll be together for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is some consolation there.
As they say, Life is good....and we're happy that we can share our lives, and our homes as frequently as we do.
I guess that's about as sappy as this guy gets.
Look for more shipwreck stories in the future.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
This has been a fabulous summer for us both. Lou Ann loves Ocracoke. Every week she researched island history and included it in her Wednesday evening Radio Show at the Opry. Together we played "Miss Maggie Mae" & "Walter Howard" to an appreciative audience. We loved doing it. On Tuesdays and Fridays we joined Amy leading ghost & history tours through the village. Nearly every Sunday evening you could find us listening to Martin Garrish & Friends at the Jolly Roger restaurant on the harbor.
We found time to help out at the Ocrafolk Festival, and to host pot luck dinners, birthday celebrations, music in the parlor, & square dancing in the front yard,. We went out in Rob's sailboat, dug for clams with the grandchildren, flew kites, swam in the surf, hiked at Springer's Point, and visited with friends & neighbors.
We also played cribbage by coal oil lamp, enjoyed Sunsets on the Pizer, shared books and magazine articles, and talked on the porch swing late into the night. We walked hand-in-hand down Howard Street under the full moon, showered outside under the cedars and live oaks, and stole a kiss or two now and then.
Oh yes, we found time to work, too!
Tonight the house will be quiet, and I'll sit alone on the old porch swing. I miss Lou Ann already, of course. And I know she wishes, as I do, that we didn't have these regular periods of separation. It was hard to see her off today. But we've planned some time together this fall, at least every month. And we'll be together for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is some consolation there.
As they say, Life is good....and we're happy that we can share our lives, and our homes as frequently as we do.
I guess that's about as sappy as this guy gets.
Look for more shipwreck stories in the future.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Lord, Plant My Feet on Higher Ground....
....or at least park my car on higher ground.
A reader yesterday, in reference to my comment about parking our cars on higher ground as hurricanes approach, asked, "just...where IS the high ground and how do you get there?!"
Now that is a really good question. Ocracoke, as most of our readers know, is little more than a narrow, low, sliver of sand almost 25 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. Not much higher ground out here. But it doesn't take much higher ground. Because we are so far off shore high tides usually just wash over the island from one side, and then drain off the other. Unlike mountainous regions where river water backs up along narrow canyons or steep banks, we never expect to have water deep enough to come anywhere near our roofs or even more than a few feet inside the first story. That's deep enough, of course, especially when clean-up time comes.
But we do like to be prepared. Any little hill or tussock will do if it keeps water below the floorboards of your car. One popular spot for vehicles is alongside the road that wraps around Silver Lake, across the "ditch" from the Coast Guard station. In WWII, when the Navy dredged the harbor for their vessels, they pumped the sand into the village to fill in low, marshy areas. Someone allowed more than the average spoil to be pumped along that western shore. As a result that is one of the highest spots in the village, and thus lined with cars as storms threaten.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
A reader yesterday, in reference to my comment about parking our cars on higher ground as hurricanes approach, asked, "just...where IS the high ground and how do you get there?!"
Now that is a really good question. Ocracoke, as most of our readers know, is little more than a narrow, low, sliver of sand almost 25 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. Not much higher ground out here. But it doesn't take much higher ground. Because we are so far off shore high tides usually just wash over the island from one side, and then drain off the other. Unlike mountainous regions where river water backs up along narrow canyons or steep banks, we never expect to have water deep enough to come anywhere near our roofs or even more than a few feet inside the first story. That's deep enough, of course, especially when clean-up time comes.
But we do like to be prepared. Any little hill or tussock will do if it keeps water below the floorboards of your car. One popular spot for vehicles is alongside the road that wraps around Silver Lake, across the "ditch" from the Coast Guard station. In WWII, when the Navy dredged the harbor for their vessels, they pumped the sand into the village to fill in low, marshy areas. Someone allowed more than the average spoil to be pumped along that western shore. As a result that is one of the highest spots in the village, and thus lined with cars as storms threaten.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Friday, August 04, 2006
Alex, Two Years Ago
A comment on yesterday's post wondered what we experienced during "Alex" two years ago (on August 3). Although the wind was strong, the rising tide was unanticipated and did the most damage. I think photos will convey the experience better than words.
Howard St., looking from Village Craftsmen towards Silver Lake:

View from "Kayak Corner," Ride the Wind is to the left, Silver Lake to the right:

Village Craftsmen Parking Lot:

Howard Street, near the Parsonage:

Please keep in mind that we are NOT anticipating any storms at this time, and even when we do Ocracoke only rarely experiences much damage. Although many cars were flooded during Alex, as well as a very few homes, we generally fared well, and the island was back to normal in short order. Most of the damage to automobiles would have been avoided if we had anticipated the rising tide and moved vehicles to just slightly higher ground.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."

Howard St., looking from Village Craftsmen towards Silver Lake:
View from "Kayak Corner," Ride the Wind is to the left, Silver Lake to the right:
Village Craftsmen Parking Lot:
Howard Street, near the Parsonage:
Please keep in mind that we are NOT anticipating any storms at this time, and even when we do Ocracoke only rarely experiences much damage. Although many cars were flooded during Alex, as well as a very few homes, we generally fared well, and the island was back to normal in short order. Most of the damage to automobiles would have been avoided if we had anticipated the rising tide and moved vehicles to just slightly higher ground.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Thursday, August 03, 2006
A Flaw of Wind
Last night at the Ocrafolk Opry Gary Mitchell asked octogenarian, Roy Parsons, about August storms he had weathered on Ocracoke. Roy told about the tide rolling in over the sound, and how the wind nearly blew their house off of its foundation. They feared that their house, with them in it, would float away as the tide rose and poured into the downstairs rooms.
At one point in his story Roy mentioned a mighty flaw of wind that rattled their windows and shook the house so hard that they thought it would come apart at the seams.
I wondered, "Did anyone else in the audience notice that phrase, 'a flaw of wind?'" And if they did, did they know what it meant? A "flaw of wind" is an old island term, hardly used anymore, especially by the younger crowd. It means simply a gust of wind. Look it up. It is an old-timey phrase that must have been common years ago, but only survives in small isolated communities like Ocracoke. But it's one more link we have with the past. I think I'll be more intentional in the future, and be sure to use the phrase as often as possible.
By the way, today is the two-year anniversary of Tropical Storm Alex that brought Ocracoke our highest tides in sixty years. I'll just comment that Alex brought more than one mighty flaw of wind.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
At one point in his story Roy mentioned a mighty flaw of wind that rattled their windows and shook the house so hard that they thought it would come apart at the seams.
I wondered, "Did anyone else in the audience notice that phrase, 'a flaw of wind?'" And if they did, did they know what it meant? A "flaw of wind" is an old island term, hardly used anymore, especially by the younger crowd. It means simply a gust of wind. Look it up. It is an old-timey phrase that must have been common years ago, but only survives in small isolated communities like Ocracoke. But it's one more link we have with the past. I think I'll be more intentional in the future, and be sure to use the phrase as often as possible.
By the way, today is the two-year anniversary of Tropical Storm Alex that brought Ocracoke our highest tides in sixty years. I'll just comment that Alex brought more than one mighty flaw of wind.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Happy Birthday Lachlan!
.....and Philip! Yep, Lachlan was born on my birthday, two years ago. We had a family celebration Monday night (tonight Fiddler Dave, Lou Ann, & I are all performing in the Opry at Deepwater Theater). Two months ago we taught Lachlan to reply to "How old are you?" with "Twenty-two months." That was a habit difficult to break. But, finally, we've taught him to hold up two fingers.
Lachlan's three cousins (Zoe, Eakin, & Eliza) are here this week, along with Uncle Stefen & Aunt Snee, of course. So we've been having lots of fun family time (swimming, boating, clamming). It is a wonderful birthday.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Lachlan's three cousins (Zoe, Eakin, & Eliza) are here this week, along with Uncle Stefen & Aunt Snee, of course. So we've been having lots of fun family time (swimming, boating, clamming). It is a wonderful birthday.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Berkley Manor
Many of our regular readers as well as frequent visitors to Ocracoke are aware that a prominent island property has been threatened by development. Berkley Manor, an architecturally significant structure built by the late Sam Jones in the 1950s, along with its spacious grounds, has been the focus of much concern over the last several years.
Today I learned that the Ocracoke Preservation Society has announced that the property (located near the Swan Quarter & Cedar Island ferry docks) is currently under contract with the Trust for Public Lands, a national, non-profit land conservation organization. More information will be forthcoming as this project progresses.
Other preservation efforts are also underway. We'll share details as we learn them.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
Today I learned that the Ocracoke Preservation Society has announced that the property (located near the Swan Quarter & Cedar Island ferry docks) is currently under contract with the Trust for Public Lands, a national, non-profit land conservation organization. More information will be forthcoming as this project progresses.
Other preservation efforts are also underway. We'll share details as we learn them.
You can read our latest newsletter here. It's about Ocracoke Islanders and "tokens of death."
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