Thursday, September 17, 2009

From the 1950s Brochure

Transportation [four options for getting to Ocracoke are listed]:
  • Boat Dolphin: Mail, passengers, light freight, daily & Sundays. Leaves Atlantic, NC 1 pm, stops at Portsmouth, NC, arrives Ocracoke, NC 4:30 pm; return: Lvs Ocracoke 7 am. Arr Atlantic 10:30 am. Most used approach.
  • Hatteras-Ocracoke Ferry & Truck: Mail & passengers, daily except Sundays. Leaves Ocracoke 6 am & 11 am; Leaves Hatteras 12:30 pm & 5:30 pm. Trip tips: 2 hrs. Passengers $1.50, children 5-12 years, 75 cents. [note: this was a private, 3 car ferry, and there was no paved road from Hatteras Inlet to Ocracoke Village!]
  • Boat Bessie Virginia: Freight, once a week from Washington, NC; can carry cars by arrangement. Write Capt. Van Henry O'Neal, Ocracoke NC for particulars.
Our latest Ocracoke Newsletter is a small photo album with historic pictures, including the aftermath of the 1944 hurricane, the 1921 Ghost Ship of the Outer Banks, the 1935 wreck of the Nomis, the Island Inn, the Methodist Church, and the Wahab Village Hotel. I've added a short paragraph under each photo to help put them in historical perspective. You can see the pictures by clicking here:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Philip, think I've probably told you this before and you might have seen it in the museum files, as I gave them copies. But in my records from my families Stove business, Glascock Stove & Mfg. Co, of Greensboro. Dated Nov. 3, 1956, is a Western Union telegram from Washington NC furniture store, stating they need a Victor Junior Range (cook stove) shipped rushed, so it could make the once a week ferry to Ocracoke on Thursday. Must have been the Bessie Virginia, freight boat. Of course I've always asked around and I'm sure the stove hasn't survived on the island.

    See you in November, Take Care: Nollie
