Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lou Ann & Beijing

Many of our readers know Lou Ann. When she is on the island she volunteers at the Preservation museum, at the Fire Department's Bingo games, and at the lighthouse where she invites visitors inside, and entertains them with Ocracoke history and stories. She also leads Ghost & History Walks in the summer months.

Last week Lou Ann was on a tour of China with a group of teachers when she injured her back and ended up in the hospital in Beijing. She is flying home today, and I will be meeting her, and carrying her home for recovery and recuperation. This may take several weeks. In the meanwhile Jude and Bill will be sharing Ocracoke news and stories with you when I am unable to.

Although Lou Ann was half way around the world (which created various anxieties and frustrations), she obtained excellent care at the Beijing United Family Hospital. She tells me her large private room even included a jacuzzi!

This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is about "Ocracats" and was written by Pat Garber. You can read it here:


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Hmmm . . . I betcha Lou Ann will have some really good stories to tell this summer.

    Can't wait.

  2. Best wishes to Lou Ann for a speedy recovery!

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Oh, my! She will have great care in your hands, Philip. Wish her a speedy recovery from Don and I.

  4. Anonymous7:35 AM

    just wondering who is the oldest person on Ocracoke now and how old are they?

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Hope her recovery is swift!

  6. Philip,
    Thank you for sharing about Lou Ann...we were sorry to hear about her accident, but will be praying for her swift recovery.

    We'll see you both mid-June!

    Linda & Tom Borneman
    Havre de Grace, MD 21078

  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Is this the same person that last summer, broke her foot or was it twisted her ankle because she was climbing stairs in the dark without a flashlight???. Is she on that medication that makes your bones brittle i don't mean to be presumptuous but is this woman lactose intolerant does she consume dairy products for calcium or is she on that medication suspected of making bones brittle ?? honestly, i am concerned about this woman --this is the second bad break within a year right?? am i right?? i think we need to look into this matter

  8. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Lou Ann....

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Lactose? Nah. Probably just drunk again.

  10. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Some comments are uncalled for.

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I'm sorry, but a back injury can be serious. Most people, I for one, think slipped disc, broken back or some other painful situation. But if it involves a broken bone thing the recent reports regarding brittle bones due to a medication --that is certainly a matter for concern. May she recovery fully

  12. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The rumor I heard was "herniated disc" -- not a broken bone. But you know how rumors go here on the island.
