September 1984 my late husband and I spent our 7 day honeymoon on Ocracoke Island. We stayed with Lanie Boyette Wynn at the Boyette House (room 204). Simple and relaxing accommodations. If we were not on the beach we were at Howard's Pub (I loved the name because my father's name was Howard). The Pub was a simple structure with a pool table, ring toss with a nail in the wall, 1 bathroom stall, maybe 8 tables, and an awesome bar. We would spend all day on the beach and hungry at noon. I would drive off the beach to Howard's to pick up lunch. Dinner was either at Backporch, the Atlantic Cafe, or Howard's. We spent the following 30 September's on Ocracoke Island at The Boyette House with Lanie's remodel-occupying the tricked out suites. We completed our stays with George at the Captain's Landing penthouse. Our last visit was April 2011 and I lost my dear sweet husband that late fall. I have not been to Ocracoke since. We started our life there and made Ocracoke memories. Maybe it's time for a visit after 6 years. Thank you for this great ride down memory lane.
It's like having an Ocracoke native in your pocket!
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September 1984 my late husband and I spent our 7 day honeymoon on Ocracoke Island. We stayed with Lanie Boyette Wynn at the Boyette House (room 204). Simple and relaxing accommodations. If we were not on the beach we were at Howard's Pub (I loved the name because my father's name was Howard). The Pub was a simple structure with a pool table, ring toss with a nail in the wall, 1 bathroom stall, maybe 8 tables, and an awesome bar. We would spend all day on the beach and hungry at noon. I would drive off the beach to Howard's to pick up lunch. Dinner was either at Backporch, the Atlantic Cafe, or Howard's. We spent the following 30 September's on Ocracoke Island at The Boyette House with Lanie's remodel-occupying the tricked out suites. We completed our stays with George at the Captain's Landing penthouse. Our last visit was April 2011 and I lost my dear sweet husband that late fall. I have not been to Ocracoke since. We started our life there and made Ocracoke memories. Maybe it's time for a visit after 6 years. Thank you for this great ride down memory lane.