Beginning on Friday, August 8, 1941, the North Carolina Young Republicans (the oldest political youth organization in the United States) hosted their annual meeting on Ocracoke Island. This, of course, was before the establishment of ferry service to the island. Two boats were chartered to depart from Belhaven, NC, at noon, and were scheduled to arrive on the island about 5 pm. Rooms were reserved at the Wahab Village Hotel and the Pamlico Inn.
Wahab Village Hotel |
Pamlico Inn |
Lodging in private homes was also arranged if the number of attendees exceeded the space available at the inns. As many as 70 prominent Republicans from North Carolina and Washington, DC, were expected to attend for a weekend of square dancing, beach parties, fishing tournaments, and a few short speeches.
You can read more about this meeting in an article from
The Beaufort News (Beaufort, N.C.), August 7, 1941:
N.C. Young Republicans
Invade Ocracoke Friday
Nationally Known Republicans To Be Present
John Wilkinson, Jr., of Washington North Carolina called the Beaufort News early today and reported that unless the Draft extension
legislation in Washington, D.C, was settled today that a few of several prominent Republican members of U. S. Congress would have to cancel their plans to attend as guests [at] the annual invitation meeting of the N. C. Young Republicans on Ocracoke Island this week-end. "However," said Mr. Wilkinson who is State president of the organization, "a number of outstanding Republican leaders have definitely stated they would be present. Among these is senator Brewster of Maine, one time governor of the Bay State.
Among the North Carolina notables who will be present is National Committeeman Jonas of Lincolton; former Republican candidate for N. C. Governor, Robert H. McNeill; officials of the National Republican federation from all parts of the United States and others. Wilkinson stated that at present he was expecting at least 70, and possibly more members in the party which will board two special boats at Belhaven on Friday at noon, arriving at Ocracoke Island about 5 o'clock.
The islanders will be down at the waterfront when the Republicans arrive for their two-day invasion which will feature fun, fishing and a small amount of business. After being greeted in an old fashioned manner by the islanders the parties will be assigned to quarters
at the island hotels and inns or in private homes if the hotels and inns are overflowing. There will be island suppers and then in the open air at Wahab Village the first big event will take place, a square dance to a special orchestra brought to the island by Carl Jacobson in the Spanish Casino and its open air dance floor.
On Saturday morning there will be a bit of business to be attended to, perhaps a short speech or two, and then after lunch, with a variety of prizes offered, there will be a fishing rodeo. During the early evening a clam bake, oyster roast and fish fry is planned to be followed by beach parties and more square dances. After this, the remainder of the time the Republicans spend on the island will be devoted to ad libbing. They will leave Sunday morning.
Considerable interest is being shown in this meeting. Editor Brown left Thursday to cover the meeting for newspapers and magazines which have given him assignments. On Friday C. G. Gaskill, Leonard Safrit, Capt. Oscar Noe and others will leave for the island.
This month's Ocracoke Newsletter is a contemporary account of the December 24, 1899 wreck of the Steamship
Ariosto. You can read the Newsletter here: